Thanks to Dick Cheney and the "Halliburton Loophole," the states are left to write and enforce regulations on an otherwise highly unregulated industry with significant health implications to our communities and the environment. If Ohioans are okay with seeing another 80,000 wells drilled in their great state, remain curiously incurious about exactly what toxic stew of chemicals is being introduced to their groundwater, waterways, and air, and prepared to sell out their children's future all for a short-term economic high, then by all means Ohioans should go for it.
I like to think that New York still has an opportunity to avoid the serious mistakes other states have made in allowing the natural gas companies to run roughshod over the land, for a few gold coins. You (and too many Americans) fail to understand the magnitude of the destruction this practice can wreak. I recommend that folks do some homework before giving the gas companies the green light, and celebrating unbridled excitement for the economic boon the towns will enjoy. In NY, we are going to fight the P.R. companies that candy-coat the natural gas chemical treats, strongly voice our opinions to our representatives, and scrutinize the DEC fracking rules that were just made public.
If only we had a Federal government that had the constitution to stand up to corporate puppets placed in "public service." There are many better ways to generate heat and electricity, just not the big money or big P.R. to counter the fake "clean energy" corporations. Unfortunately, the big wallets usually win...but not always, and not in Our State.
Hydrofracking 101, for those interested in the future of our environment and collective health.
...and on the BRIGHT SIDE...
What a nascent, TRUE green economy looks "JOBS":
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